Release notes

Release notes 2022-06-29

Revamped Network Asset Manager 

The Network Asset manager has received a larger update, focusing on supporting and managing many thousands of assets. It is now a part of our new framework which improves the overall user experience such as the filtering and many visual controls.  

Tab views are now supported in Network Asset manager, improving how you can structure your assets across different views using different filtering options. Larger networks (such as /16) and related assets can more easily be tracked. 

Additional columns are now displayed to view number of open ports together with the option to view the description text of an asset as a column. 

How do I create a new view for my assets?

Network asset lifecycle management 

Assets can come and go over time, creating a challenge to make sure the list of assets is always up to date. Dynamic assets are impacting the scan scope and are causing outdated data to be present for a longer time period in Asset Manager.  

To improve the accuracy of the inventory of assets, we are releasing lifecycle management for network assets. This new feature allows you to customize how you want network assets to be treated over time when to become inactive. 

You can choose to enable this within the Assets section of your Account settings, and there define when an asset should be classified as inactive when it hasn't been identified in scans for a defined period of time.  

How to work with lifecycle management

Asset Applications view (beta) 

We are happy to announce the new Asset Applications view, which enables you with a new dimension of all your scanned assets. By keeping track of all the identified software applications from your assets, you can easily get a single overview with an inventory of your applications.  

This helps you understand the risk that is tied to specific applications, what vulnerabilities are present, and across what assets.  

By using the list of identified Asset Applications, you can easier work with a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) which can support your proactive work on supply chain attacks and understand dependencies across your assets. 

How to overview all identified software applications across assets

New templates available for Phishing & Awareness Training 

We are releasing several updates to improve the way assessments can be carried out globally: 

  • New awareness video web template that provides video content to train and educate users about phishing awareness (available in Dutch, English and Swedish where more languages coming in future releases). 
  • Email and web templates are now available in the German language. 
  • Email training templates are now available in the Danish language.  

Other improvements 

  • Exported scan reports have received improved file names for easier tracking of different reports. 
  • Addressed a session timeout issue that was introduced with the new user interface in Security Center. 
  • Trend charts in weekly reports are now displayed properly with various data.  
  • Saving the Digest report setting is now working properly from all pages in Security center via the account settings. 
  • Tags are now displayed again for Network scan results.