
How do I add account name for white-labeling in emails?

Follow these steps to add an account name to your templates:

  1. Login to your Organizer account.
  2. Click on the menu in the top right corner.
  3. Click Appearance.
    The templates that need to be configured are:
    • New report email
    • Scan reminder email
    • Finished scan email

Option 1.

Note: This will remove all your added information and restore them to the original templates. 

  • Click restore on all of the mentioned templates and re-write your information in the templates.

Option 2.

Manually add the HTML code to your templates.

All the templates mentioned above

  • Add the bold text to your templates: 

    .BannerHeadline {
    FONT-WEIGHT: normal;
    FONT-SIZE: 36px;
    FONT-FAMILY: Calibri, Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    .FontWeightNormal {
    FONT-WEIGHT: normal;

    /******************** A CLASSES ********************/

New report mail

  • Add the bold text to your template:

    <h1>New report: </h1>
    <h3 class="FontWeightNormal">Account: </h3>

    <p>There's a new report available in Security Center. This report was generated from a scheduled scan or on-demand scan.</p>

Scan reminder email

  • Add the Bold text to your template: 

    <h1>Reminder: scheduled network scan</h1>
    <h2>Name: </h2>
    <h3 class="FontWeightNormal">Account: </h3>

    <p>This is a reminder that you have an upcoming scheduled network scan.</p>

Finished scan email

  • Add the bold text to your template:

    <h1>Network scan finished</h1>
    <h2>Name: </h2>
    <h3 class="FontWeightNormal">Account: </h3>

    <p>A network scan has finished.</p>

If you want more information on white labeling in Organizer, read this article: How do I white-label Security Center accounts under Organizer?