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How do I change user and default settings for the digest report?
In this article you can read how to make default and user-specific settings for the digest report. The digest report summarizes the current status of vulnerabilities, usage, and upcoming events.
Default setting
Change default settings that apply to all users without user-specific settings:
- Log in to Security Center.
- Click the menu button in the top right corner.
- Click Settings.
- Click the headline Digest reports.
- Select if you want to Send weekly digest reports or Send monthly digest reports.
- Click OK.
- Done!
User-specific settings
Set user-specific settings:
- Log in Security Center.
- Click the menu button in the top right corner.
- Click Users.
- Edit the user you want to change.
- Click the headline Digest reports.
- Select if you want to use the global setting or set a user-specific setting.
- Select if you want to Send weekly digest reports or Send monthly digest reports.
- Click OK.
- Done!
Turn off the digest report
If you wish to know how to turn digest reports off, please see this article: