Authenticated Network Scanning

How do I configure a scan profile for authenticated scanning?

You need to configure your network scan profile to enable authenticated scanning on your network assets. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure the correct configuration.

Set up the scan profile

  1. Log in to Security Center.
  2. Click Scan Network in the header.
  3. Click Scan Profiles. From here, you have two options:
    1. Create a new scan profile following the steps below.
    2.  Edit an existing web application following the steps below. 
  4. In the window menu, under General settings, set the following:
    1. Name (enter a name, e.g., "Authenticated scan - Windows servers").
    2. Set the Scan type to Full Scan (this includes the complete coverage for all vulnerability tests).
  5. In the window menu, click on Authentication.
  6. Decide whether you are authenticating towards Linux/Unix, Windows systems, or both. Follow the relevant instructions below.

Linux/Unix authentication record

  1. Set the Authentication information by clicking the drop-down and selecting New.
  2. Select a Name for your Authentication Record.
  3. Add the Port to be used for authentication if you have a specific port. Otherwise, the standard port 22 will be used.
  4. Type the Username to be used for the authentication.
  5. Choose the method of authentication: SSH Key or Password.
  6. Add the information based on the choice you made.
  7. Done!

Linux authentication method
For the password option, we require password authentication to be turned on for the SSH service. For the SSH Key option, we require an SSH-authorized RSA private key.

Windows authentication record

  1. Set the Authentication information by clicking the drop-down and selecting New.
  2. Select a Name for your Authentication Record
  3. Type in the credentials you would like to use for your authenticated scan.
    1. Username
    2. Password
    3. Domain
  4. Choose which NTLM protocol (NTLM v2, NTLM v1, or NTLM v2 Only) to use based on your network configuration.
  5. Done!  

Windows authentication user account
To ensure you have the necessary privileges for authenticated in Windows operating systems. We strongly suggest reading this article about creating a custom domain user account for authenticated scans: