
How do I prioritize and structure vulnerabilities?

In Vulnerability Manager in Security Center, you can filter, sort, and create multiple views to prioritize and work efficiently to reduce the number of vulnerabilities. In this article, we give some input on how to work in Vulnerability Manager.

  • Prioritize vulnerabilities based on severity
    You can create views based on severity, this helps you prioritize higher severities in a dedicated view.

  • Prioritize vulnerabilities based on business risk
    (Business risk = combination between severity and business impact set on the asset or asset through a tag.)
    If you have set a business risk for your assetsyou can combine both the business risk with a severity to have a view that shows which your most critical assets are vulnerable with higher severity levels.
  • Ignored vulnerabilities
    You can have a view that shows all ignored vulnerabilities, this can be handy if you want to see what your organization has ignored with just one click.

  • Recently discovered vulnerabilities
    You can create a view with a date for vulnerabilities to see the latest discovered vulnerabilities in your environment.

  • Specific software
    Whether you want to look at specific OSs or want to look at any other software you can use the filter to have a view of just that. 

Tip: you can also set a default view for your user by hovering one of the view tabs and clicking the cog and applying the default view checkbox.