
How do I run a simulated PCI DSS compliance scan using Holm Security?

Our partner, Complior, will carry out the actual PCI DSS ASV compliance scan used for reporting. We recommend that you run continuous simulated scans with our scanners in the Holm Security VMP platform to help ensure continuous compliance, as our scanner fulfills the ASV scanner compliance framework.

Please notice that the ASV scan that will be reported will be carried out by our partner. You can use our scanner to ensure continuous compliance by running simulated scans, which are actual scans according to the PCI DSS ASV framework, but will not be used for reporting.

Import a PCI DSS Compliance scan profile

  1. Log in to Security Center.
  2. Click Scan Network in the top header.
  3. Click Scan Profiles.
  4. Click Import > PCI DSS Compliance > OK.
  5. Done!

Create a PCI DSS Compliance scan profile

  1. Log in to Security Center. 
  2. Click Scan Network in the top header.
  3. Click Scan Profiles.
  4. Click Add scan profile.
  5. Under the headline General information enter the following:
    • Name: the profile's name, e.g., a standard scan profile.
    • Owner: the owner of the schedule.
    • Details: any comments or a brief description of the profile you want to add.
  6. Click Compliance > Enable PCI DSS compliance test.
    By enabling the PCI DSS compliance tests, we will include the required areas for the framework in the scan and return the outcome in the results. All assets scanned with PCI compliance test will automatically receive a PCI DSS tag that cannot be removed later.
  7. Please read the instructions in the separate article for settings under the tabs Scan settingsAuthentication, and Additional settings. You don’t need to make any changes in these tabs to use the recommended settings.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Done!

Scan for PCI DSS Compliance

To schedule a scan, please follow these instructions. Notice that you first need to create a scan profile for your schedule.

  1. Log in to Security Center.
  2. Click Scan Network in the header.
  3. Click Schedules.
  4. Click add scan schedule.
  5. Under the headline General information enter the following:
    • Name: the schedule's name, e.g., PCI DSS Compliance scan.
    • Owner: the owner of the schedule. Will be the one receiving notifications for the schedule.
    • Scan profile: select the scan profile for the schedule.
    • Scanner appliance: select External for external scanning of your network from Holm Security VMP cloud platform, or select an installed scanner appliance for local scanning.
  6. Under the headline Targets enter the following:
    • IPs/Ranges: the targets for your scan. It can be a specific host or IP range. You can add any number of hosts. All assets scanned with PCI compliance test will automatically receive a PCI DSS tag that cannot be removed later.
    • Include all hosts in IP range belonging to the tag: if you want all IPs in an IP range to be included if a tag matches an IP range asset, even if each host doesn’t have the specific tag.
    • Select tags: Select the preferred tags you wish to use as the target for the scan.
    • Include hosts that: here, you include hosts with all or any specific tags you enter.
    • Do not Include hosts that: here, you exclude hosts with all or any specific tags you enter.
  7. Under the headline Schedule enter the following:
    • Schedule enabled: Select if you want to run Recurrent scans or Once at a scheduled time.
    • Start: select the first start date and time. Notice that reoccurring scans will start at the time set here.
    • Timezone: select the timezone for the schedule.
    • Repeat: Select daily, weekly, or monthly between the scans.
    • Every: The occurrence in combination with the values selected in repeat and day.
    • Day: Select which day you want the scans to run.
  8. Under the headline Notifications, enter information about notifications sent before and after the scheduled scan is finished.
    • Under notification before the scan starts, enter the following:
    • Notify the scan owner before the scan starts: check to enable.
    • Notify before the scan starts: select how long before the scan the notifications should be sent. The default is 1 hour.
    • Subject: enter a custom subject for the notification, or use default.
    • Sender name: enter a custom sender name for the notification, or use default.
    • Sender email: enter a custom sender email for the notification, or use the default. If you use your email (e.g., address, please add the following SPF record for the domain (e.g., to avoid problems receiving the emails:
    • Recipients: Enter additional recipients for the notifications.
    • Message: Enter a custom message for the notification, or use default.
    • Under notification for finished scan, enter the following:
    • Notify the scan owner when this scan is finished: check to enable.
    • Subject: enter a custom subject for the notification, or use default.
    • Sender name: enter a custom sender name for the notification, or use default.
    • Sender email: enter a custom sender email for the notification, or use default.
    • Also, send notifications to the following email addresses: enter additional recipients for the notifications.
    • Message: enter a custom message for the notification, or use default.
  1. Click OK.
  2. The scan will now run, and a notification will be sent (if activated) according to the schedule.
  3. Done!