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How do I troubleshoot OnPrem in case something is not working?
The first step is always to collect information about the issue to make it easier to understand when technicians from Holm Security need to analyze the problem.
Collect initial troubleshooting information.
This information is always required to be shared with our Support before opening a support ticket:
- Screenshots or screen recording of the session/steps when the problem occurs
- Description of error messages, specific information, or details
Collect and share diagnostics
How do I share the diagnostic package from OnPrem in case something is not working?
Record and save the browser session.
You may be asked to record a browser session of the web interfaces in OnPrem. This can be done using Google Chrome DevTools (or something similar for the other main browsers, Edge and Firefox).
This is done by starting a recording on the Network tab before starting your steps in the web browser. The file can then be stored as a HAR file to be shared with Holm Security support.
https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/network/Using Google Chrome
- Right-click in the browser window or tab and select Inspect
- Click the Network tab in the panel that appears.
- Navigate to the URL you want to traffic.
- Click the download button
(Export HAR appears when you hold the pointer over it.)
- Name the file.
- Click Save.