
How does the Detected vs Fixed widget work?

This widget will, as the name implies, count detected and fixed vulnerabilities.

As detected we treat each new vulnerability (detected for the first time) and reopened ones.
If a scan discovers an already existing vulnerability (active) this is not counted.

Similarly, fixed counts whenever a vulnerability is closed.


To better understand this, here is an example - Assume we have a scan running daily on a single asset:

  • On Monday, vulnerability X is discovered (status New)
  • On Tuesday, vulnerability X was not discovered, so it is closed (status Fixed)
  • On Wednesday, vulnerability X is discovered again (status Re-opened)
  • On Thursday, vulnerability X is still being found (status Active)
  • On Friday, vulnerability X was not discovered anymore. (status Fixed)
This week, this widget would show 2 Detected and 2 Fixed, even though there has only ever been one vulnerability on one asset.

In an over-time daily display, one would be detected on Monday and Wednesday, and one would be fixed on Tuesday and Friday.