Holm Security Cloud Scanner can verify security best practices and security misconfigurations that contribute to the most common causes of security breaches within a vast list of AWS services.
There is also a set of plugins highlighting unused or misused services that could help save monthly AWS costs. Read more about these plugins in this article:
Supported services
Here's the list of services that we currently support:
- API Gateway
- AWS Glue
- App Mesh
- App Runner
- AppFlow
- Athena
- Audit Manager
- AutoScaling
- Backup
- CloudFormation
- CloudFront
- CloudTrail
- CloudWatch
- CloudWatchLogs
- CodeArtifact
- CodeBuild
- CodePipeline
- CodeStar
- Cognito
- Comprehend
- Compute Optimizer
- ConfigService
- Connect
- DevOpsGuru
- DocumentDB
- DynamoDB
- EC2
- ELBv2
- ES
- ElastiCache
- Elastic Transcoder
- ElasticBeanstalk
- EventBridge
- FSx
- FinSpace
- Firehose
- Forecast
- Fraud Detector
- Glacier
- Glue
- Glue DataBrew
- GuardDuty
- HealthLake
- Image Builder
- IoT SiteWise
- Kendra
- Kinesis
- Kinesis Video Streams
- Lambda
- Lex
- Location
- Lookout
- LookoutEquipment
- LookoutMetrics
- MQ
- Managed Blockchain
- MemoryDB
- Neptune
- OpenSearch
- Organizations
- Proton
- Redshift
- Route53
- S3
- SageMaker
- Secrets Manager
- SecurityHub
- Shield
- Timestream
- Transfer
- Translate
- WorkSpaces
- Workspaces
- XRay
Supported policies
Across the services, the following policies are scanned for:
- ACM - ACM Certificate Expiry
- ACM - ACM Certificate Has Tags
- ACM - ACM Certificate Validation
- ACM - ACM Single Domain Name Certificates
- API Gateway - API Gateway Authorization
- API Gateway - API Gateway Certificate Rotation
- API Gateway - API Gateway Client Certificate
- API Gateway - API Gateway CloudWatch Logs
- API Gateway - API Gateway Content Encoding
- API Gateway - API Gateway Default Endpoint Disabled
- API Gateway - API Gateway Detailed CloudWatch Metrics
- API Gateway - API Gateway Private Endpoints
- API Gateway - API Gateway Response Caching
- API Gateway - API Gateway Tracing Enabled
- API Gateway - API Gateway WAF Enabled
- API Gateway - API Stage-Level Cache Encryption
- API Gateway - Custom Domain TLS Version
- AWS Glue - AWS Glue CloudWatch Encrypted Logs
- App Mesh - App Mesh Restrict External Traffic
- App Mesh - App Mesh TLS Required
- App Mesh - App Mesh VG Access Logging
- App Runner - Service Encrypted
- AppFlow - AppFlow Flow Encrypted
- Athena - Workgroup Encrypted
- Athena - Workgroup Enforce Configuration
- Audit Manager - Audit Manager Data Encrypted
- AutoScaling - ASG Multiple AZ
- AutoScaling - App-Tier ASG Launch Configurations Approved AMIs
- AutoScaling - App-Tier Auto Scaling Group CloudWatch Logs Enabled
- AutoScaling - App-Tier Launch Configurations IAM Roles
- AutoScaling - Auto Scaling Group Cooldown Period
- AutoScaling - Auto Scaling Group Missing ELB
- AutoScaling - Auto Scaling Notifications Active
- AutoScaling - Auto Scaling Unused Launch Configuration
- AutoScaling - AutoScaling ELB Same Availability Zone
- AutoScaling - ELB Health Check Active
- AutoScaling - Empty AutoScaling Group
- AutoScaling - Launch Configuration Referencing Missing Security Groups
- AutoScaling - Suspended AutoScaling Groups
- AutoScaling - Web-Tier ASG Launch Configurations Approved AMIs
- AutoScaling - Web-Tier Auto Scaling Group Associated ELB
- AutoScaling - Web-Tier Auto Scaling Group CloudWatch Logs Enabled
- AutoScaling - Web-Tier Launch Configurations IAM Roles
- Backup - AWS Backup Compliant Lifecycle Configured
- Backup - Backup Deletion Protection Enabled
- Backup - Backup Failure Notification Enabled
- Backup - Backup In Use For RDS Snapshots
- Backup - Backup Resource Protection
- Backup - Backup Vault Encrypted
- Backup - Backup Vault Has Tags
- Backup - Backup Vault Policies
- CloudFormation - AWS CloudFormation In Use
- CloudFormation - CloudFormation Admin Priviliges
- CloudFormation - CloudFormation Drift Detection
- CloudFormation - CloudFormation Plaintext Parameters
- CloudFormation - CloudFormation Stack Failed Status
- CloudFormation - CloudFormation Stack SNS Notifications
- CloudFormation - CloudFormation Stack Termination Protection Enabled
- CloudFront - CloudFront Compress Objects Automatically
- CloudFront - CloudFront Custom Origin HTTPS Only
- CloudFront - CloudFront Distribution Field-Level Encryption
- CloudFront - CloudFront Distribution Origins TLS Version
- CloudFront - CloudFront Enable Origin Failover
- CloudFront - CloudFront Enabled
- CloudFront - CloudFront Geo Restriction
- CloudFront - CloudFront HTTPS Only
- CloudFront - CloudFront Logging Enabled
- CloudFront - CloudFront TLS Deprecated Protocols
- CloudFront - CloudFront TLS Insecure Cipher
- CloudFront - CloudFront WAF Enabled
- CloudFront - Insecure CloudFront Protocols
- CloudFront - Public S3 CloudFront Origin
- CloudFront - Secure CloudFront Origin
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail Data Events
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail Delivery Failing
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail Enabled
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail Encryption
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail File Validation
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail Global Services Logging Duplicated
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail Has Tags
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail Management Events
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail Notifications Enabled
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail S3 Bucket
- CloudTrail - CloudTrail To CloudWatch
- CloudTrail - Object Lock Enabled
- CloudWatch - VPC Flow Logs Metric Alarm
- CloudWatchLogs - CloudWatch Log Groups Encrypted
- CloudWatchLogs - CloudWatch Log Retention Period
- CloudWatchLogs - CloudWatch Monitoring Metrics
- CodeArtifact - CodeArtifact Domain Encrypted
- CodeBuild - CodeBuild Valid Source Providers
- CodeBuild - Project Artifacts Encrypted
- CodePipeline - Pipeline Artifacts Encrypted
- CodeStar - CodeStar Valid Repository Providers
- Cognito - Cognito User Pool MFA enabled
- Cognito - Cognito User Pool WAF Enabled
- Comprehend - Amazon Comprehend Output Result Encryption
- Comprehend - Amazon Comprehend Volume Encryption
- Compute Optimizer - Auto Scaling Group Optimized
- Compute Optimizer - Compute Optimizer Recommendations Enabled
- Compute Optimizer - EBS Volumes Optimized
- Compute Optimizer - EC2 Instances Optimized
- Compute Optimizer - Lambda Function Optimized
- ConfigService - AWS Config Complaint Rules
- ConfigService - AWS Services In Use
- ConfigService - Config Delivery Failing
- ConfigService - Config Service Enabled
- ConfigService - Config Service Missing Bucket
- Connect - Connect Customer Profiles Domain Encrypted
- Connect - Connect Instance Attachments Encrypted
- Connect - Connect Instance Call Recording Encrypted
- Connect - Connect Instance Chat Transcripts Encrypted
- Connect - Connect Instance Exported Reports Encrypted
- Connect - Connect Instance Media Streams Encrypted
- Connect - Connect Voice ID Domain Encrypted
- Connect - Connect Wisdom Domain Encrypted
- DMS - DMS Auto Minor Version Upgrade
- DMS - DMS Encryption Enabled
- DMS - DMS Multi-AZ Feature Enabled
- DMS - DMS Publicly Accessible Instances
- DevOpsGuru - DevOps Guru Notifications Enabled
- DocumentDB - DocumentDB Cluster Backup Retention
- DocumentDB - DocumentDB Cluster Encrypted
- DynamoDB - DynamoDB Accelerator Cluster Encryption
- DynamoDB - DynamoDB Continuous Backups
- DynamoDB - DynamoDB KMS Encryption
- DynamoDB - DynamoDB Table Backup Exists
- DynamoDB - DynamoDB Table Has Tags
- DynamoDB - DynamoDB Unused Table
- EC2 - AMI Has Tags
- EC2 - Allowed Custom Ports
- EC2 - Amazon EBS Public Snapshots
- EC2 - App-Tier EC2 Instance IAM Role
- EC2 - Automate EBS Snapshot Lifecycle
- EC2 - Cross Organization VPC Peering Connections
- EC2 - Cross VPC Public Private Communication
- EC2 - Default Security Group
- EC2 - Default Security Group In Use
- EC2 - Default VPC Exists
- EC2 - Default VPC In Use
- EC2 - Detect EC2 Classic Instances
- EC2 - EBS Backup Enabled
- EC2 - EBS Encrypted Snapshots
- EC2 - EBS Encryption Enabled
- EC2 - EBS Encryption Enabled By Default
- EC2 - EBS Snapshot Has Tags
- EC2 - EBS Volume Snapshot Public
- EC2 - EBS Volume has tags
- EC2 - EBS Volumes Recent Snapshots
- EC2 - EBS Volumes Too Old Snapshots
- EC2 - EC2 CPU Alarm Threshold Exceeded
- EC2 - EC2 Instance Key Based Login
- EC2 - EC2 LaunchWizard Security Groups
- EC2 - EC2 Max Instances
- EC2 - EC2 Public Subnet
- EC2 - EC2 has Tags
- EC2 - Elastic IP Limit
- EC2 - Encrypted AMI
- EC2 - Excessive Security Groups
- EC2 - Insecure EC2 Metadata Options
- EC2 - Instance Detailed Monitoring
- EC2 - Instance IAM Role
- EC2 - Instance Limit
- EC2 - Instance vCPU On-Demand Based Limits
- EC2 - Internet Gateways In VPC
- EC2 - Managed NAT Gateway In Use
- EC2 - NAT Multiple AZ
- EC2 - Network ACL has Tags
- EC2 - Open All Ports Protocols
- EC2 - Open All Ports Protocols Egress
- EC2 - Open CIFS
- EC2 - Open Cassandra Client
- EC2 - Open Cassandra Internode
- EC2 - Open Cassandra Monitoring
- EC2 - Open Cassandra Thrift
- EC2 - Open Custom Ports
- EC2 - Open DNS
- EC2 - Open Docker
- EC2 - Open Elasticsearch
- EC2 - Open FTP
- EC2 - Open HTTP
- EC2 - Open HTTPS
- EC2 - Open Hadoop HDFS NameNode Metadata Service
- EC2 - Open Hadoop HDFS NameNode WebUI
- EC2 - Open Internal Web
- EC2 - Open Kibana
- EC2 - Open LDAP
- EC2 - Open LDAPS
- EC2 - Open Memcached
- EC2 - Open MongoDB
- EC2 - Open MySQL
- EC2 - Open NetBIOS
- EC2 - Open Oracle
- EC2 - Open Oracle Auto Data Warehouse
- EC2 - Open PostgreSQL
- EC2 - Open RDP
- EC2 - Open RFC 1918
- EC2 - Open RPC
- EC2 - Open Redis
- EC2 - Open SMBoTCP
- EC2 - Open SMTP
- EC2 - Open SNMP
- EC2 - Open SQL Server
- EC2 - Open SSH
- EC2 - Open Salt
- EC2 - Open Telnet
- EC2 - Open VNC Client
- EC2 - Open VNC Server
- EC2 - Outdated Amazon Machine Images
- EC2 - Overlapping Security Groups
- EC2 - Public AMI
- EC2 - Public IP Address EC2 Instances
- EC2 - SSM Agent Active All Instances
- EC2 - SSM Agent Auto Update Enabled
- EC2 - SSM Agent Latest Version
- EC2 - SSM Managed Instances
- EC2 - SSM Session Duration
- EC2 - Security Group Has Tags
- EC2 - Subnet IP Availability
- EC2 - Unassociated Elastic IP Addresses
- EC2 - Unrestricted Network ACL Inbound Traffic
- EC2 - Unrestricted Network ACL Outbound Traffic
- EC2 - Unused Amazon Machine Images
- EC2 - Unused EBS Volumes
- EC2 - Unused Elastic Network Interfaces
- EC2 - Unused Security Groups
- EC2 - Unused VPC Internet Gateways
- EC2 - Unused Virtual Private Gateway
- EC2 - VPC Elastic IP Limit
- EC2 - VPC Endpoint Cross Account Access
- EC2 - VPC Endpoint Exposed
- EC2 - VPC Flow Logs Enabled
- EC2 - VPC Has Tags
- EC2 - VPC Multiple Subnets
- EC2 - VPC PrivateLink Endpoint Acceptance Required
- EC2 - VPC Subnet Instances Present
- EC2 - VPN Tunnel State
- EC2 - Virtual Private Gateway In VPC
- EC2 - Web-Tier EC2 Instance IAM Role
- ECR - Amazon ECR Scan on Push
- ECR - ECR Repository Encrypted
- ECR - ECR Repository Has Tags
- ECR - ECR Repository Policy
- ECR - ECR Repository Tag Immutability
- ECS - Container Insights Enabled
- ECS - ECS Cluster Active Services
- ECS - ECS Cluster Has Tags
- ECS - ECS Cluster Service Active Tasks
- EFS - EFS CMK Encrypted
- EFS - EFS Encryption Enabled
- EFS - EFS Has Tags
- EKS - EKS Cluster Has Tags
- EKS - EKS Kubernetes Version
- EKS - EKS Latest Platform Version
- EKS - EKS Logging Enabled
- EKS - EKS Private Endpoint
- EKS - EKS Secrets Encrypted
- EKS - EKS Security Groups
- ELB - App-Tier ELB Security Policy
- ELB - Classic Load Balancers In Use
- ELB - ELB Connection Draining Enabled
- ELB - ELB Cross-Zone Load Balancing
- ELB - ELB Has Tags
- ELB - ELB Logging Enabled
- ELB - ELB No Instances
- ELB - ELB Unhealthy Instances
- ELB - Insecure Ciphers
- ELBv2 - ELB SSL Termination
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 Cross-Zone Load Balancing
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 Deletion Protection
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 Deprecated SSL Policies
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 Deregistration Delay
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 HTTPS Only
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 Has Tags
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 Insecure Ciphers
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 Logging Enabled
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 Minimum Number of EC2 Target Instances
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 NLB Listener Security
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 No Instances
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 TLS Version and Cipher Header Enabled
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 Unhealthy Instances
- ELBv2 - ELBv2 WAF Enabled
- EMR - EMR Cluster Desired Instance Type
- EMR - EMR Cluster Has Tags
- EMR - EMR Cluster In VPC
- EMR - EMR Cluster Logging
- EMR - EMR Encryption At Rest
- EMR - EMR Encryption In Transit
- EMR - EMR Instances Counts
- ES - ElasticSearch Dedicated Master Enabled
- ES - ElasticSearch Public Service Domain
- ES - ElasticSearch TLS Version
- ES - ElasticSearch Upgrade Available
- ES - OpenSearch Encryption Enabled
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Cluster Has Tags
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Cluster In VPC
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Default Ports
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Desired Node Type
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Engine Versions for Redis
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Instance Generation
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Nodes Count
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Redis Cluster Encryption At-Rest
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Redis Cluster Encryption In-Transit
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Redis Cluster Have Multi-AZ
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Reserved Cache Node Lease Expiration
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Reserved Cache Node Payment Failed
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache Reserved Cache Node Payment Pending
- ElastiCache - ElastiCache idle Cluster Status
- ElastiCache - Unused ElastiCache Reserved Cache Nodes
- Elastic Transcoder - Elastic Transcoder Job Outputs Encrypted
- Elastic Transcoder - Elastic Transcoder Pipeline Data Encrypted
- ElasticBeanstalk - ElasticBeanstalk Managed Platform Updates
- ElasticBeanstalk - Enhanced Health Reporting
- ElasticBeanstalk - Environment Access Logs
- ElasticBeanstalk - Environment Persistent Logs
- EventBridge - Event Bus Cross Account Access
- EventBridge - Event Bus Public Access
- EventBridge - EventBridge Event Rules In Use
- FSx - FSx File System Encrypted
- FinSpace - FinSpace Environment Encrypted
- Firehose - Firehose Delivery Streams CMK Encrypted
- Firehose - Firehose Delivery Streams Encrypted
- Forecast - Forecast Dataset Encrypted
- Forecast - Forecast Dataset Export Encrypted
- Fraud Detector - Fraud Detector Data Encrypted
- Glacier - S3 Glacier Vault Public Access
- Glue - AWS Glue Data Catalog CMK Encrypted
- Glue - AWS Glue Data Catalog Encryption Enabled
- Glue - AWS Glue Job Bookmark Encryption Enabled
- Glue - AWS Glue S3 Encryption Enabled
- Glue DataBrew - AWS Glue DataBrew Job Output Encrypted
- GuardDuty - Exported Findings Encrypted
- GuardDuty - GuardDuty Master Account
- GuardDuty - GuardDuty No Active Findings
- GuardDuty - GuardDuty is Enabled
- GuardDuty - S3 GuardDuty Enabled
- HealthLake - HealthLake Data Store Encrypted
- IAM - Access Analyzer Active Findings
- IAM - Access Analyzer Enabled
- IAM - Access Keys Extra
- IAM - Access Keys Last Used
- IAM - Access Keys Rotated
- IAM - Canary Keys Used
- IAM - Certificate Expiry
- IAM - Cross-Account Access External ID and MFA
- IAM - Empty Groups
- IAM - Group Inline Policies
- IAM - IAM Master and IAM Manager Roles
- IAM - IAM Policies Present
- IAM - IAM Role Has Tags
- IAM - IAM Role Last Used
- IAM - IAM Role Policies
- IAM - IAM Role Policy Unused Services
- IAM - IAM Support Policy
- IAM - IAM User Account In Use
- IAM - IAM User Account Not In Use
- IAM - IAM User Admins
- IAM - IAM User Has Tags
- IAM - IAM User Present
- IAM - IAM User Unauthorized to Edit
- IAM - IAM User Without Permissions
- IAM - IAM Username Matches Regex
- IAM - Maximum Password Age
- IAM - Minimum Password Length
- IAM - No User IAM Policies
- IAM - Password Expiration
- IAM - Password Policy Allows To Change Password
- IAM - Password Requires Lowercase
- IAM - Password Requires Numbers
- IAM - Password Requires Symbols
- IAM - Password Requires Uppercase
- IAM - Password Reuse Prevention
- IAM - Root Access Keys
- IAM - Root Account Active Signing Certificates
- IAM - Root Account In Use
- IAM - Root Hardware MFA
- IAM - Root MFA Enabled
- IAM - SSH Keys Rotated
- IAM - Trusted Cross Account Roles
- IAM - Users MFA Enabled
- IAM - Users Password And Keys
- IAM - Users Password Last Used
- Image Builder - Dockerfile Template Encrypted
- Image Builder - Enhanced Metadata Collection Enabled
- Image Builder - Image Builder Components Encrypted
- Image Builder - Image Recipe Storage Volumes Encrypted
- Image Builder - Infrastructure Configuration Notification Enabled
- IoT SiteWise - IoT SiteWise Data Encrypted
- KMS - App-Tier KMS Customer Master Key (CMK)
- KMS - KMS Default Key Usage
- KMS - KMS Duplicate Grants
- KMS - KMS Grant Least Privilege
- KMS - KMS Key Policy
- KMS - KMS Key Rotation
- KMS - KMS Scheduled Deletion
- Kendra - Kendra Index Encrypted
- Kinesis - Kinesis Data Streams Encrypted
- Kinesis - Kinesis Streams Encrypted
- Kinesis Video Streams - Video Stream Data Encrypted
- Lambda - Lambda Admin Privileges
- Lambda - Lambda Environment Variables Client Side Encryption
- Lambda - Lambda Has Tags
- Lambda - Lambda Log Groups
- Lambda - Lambda Old Runtimes
- Lambda - Lambda Public Access
- Lambda - Lambda Tracing Enabled
- Lambda - Lambda Unique Execution Role
- Lambda - Lambda VPC Config
- Lex - Audio Logs Encrypted
- Location - Geofence Collection Data Encrypted
- Location - Tracker Data Encrypted
- Lookout - Model Data Encrypted
- LookoutEquipment - LookoutEquipment Dataset Encrypted
- LookoutMetrics - LookoutMetrics Anomaly Detector Encrypted
- MQ - MQ Auto Minor Version Upgrade
- MQ - MQ Broker Encrypted
- MQ - MQ Deployment Mode
- MQ - MQ Desired Broker Instance Type
- MQ - MQ Log Exports Enabled
- MSK - MSK Cluster Client Broker Encryption
- MSK - MSK Cluster Encryption At-Rest
- MSK - MSK Cluster Encryption In-Transit
- MSK - MSK Cluster Public Access
- MSK - MSK Cluster Unauthenticated Access
- MWAA - Environment Admin Privileges
- MWAA - Environment Data Encrypted
- MWAA - Web Server Public Access
- Managed Blockchain - Managed Blockchain Network Member Data Encrypted
- MemoryDB - MemoryDB Cluster Encrypted
- Neptune - Neptune Database Instance Encrypted
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Access From IP Addresses
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Cluster Status
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Collection CMK Encryption
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Collection Public Access
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Dedicated Master Enabled
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Desired Instance Type
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Domain Cross Account access
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Encrypted Domain
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Exposed Domain
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch HTTPS Only
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch IAM Authentication
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Logging Enabled
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Node To Node Encryption
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Public Service Domain
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch TLS Version
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Upgrade Available
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Version
- OpenSearch - OpenSearch Zone Awareness Enabled
- Organizations - Enable All Organization Features
- Organizations - Organization Invite
- Proton - Environment Template Encrypted
- QLDB - Ledger Encrypted
- RDS - RDS Automated Backups
- RDS - RDS CMK Encryption
- RDS - RDS Deletion Protection Enabled
- RDS - RDS DocumentDB Minor Version Upgrade
- RDS - RDS Encryption Enabled
- RDS - RDS IAM Database Authentication Enabled
- RDS - RDS Instance Default Master Username
- RDS - RDS Instance Generation
- RDS - RDS Instance Has Tags
- RDS - RDS Logging Enabled
- RDS - RDS Multiple AZ
- RDS - RDS MySQL Vulnerability Check
- RDS - RDS Publicly Accessible
- RDS - RDS Restorable
- RDS - RDS Snapshot Encryption
- RDS - RDS Snapshot Publicly Accessible
- RDS - RDS Transport Encryption Enabled
- RDS - SQL Server TLS Version
- Redshift - Redshift Automated Snapshot Retention Period
- Redshift - Redshift Cluster Allow Version Upgrade
- Redshift - Redshift Cluster Audit Logging Enabled
- Redshift - Redshift Cluster CMK Encryption
- Redshift - Redshift Cluster Default Master Username
- Redshift - Redshift Cluster Default Port
- Redshift - Redshift Cluster In VPC
- Redshift - Redshift Desired Node Type
- Redshift - Redshift Encryption Enabled
- Redshift - Redshift Nodes Count
- Redshift - Redshift Parameter Group SSL Required
- Redshift - Redshift Publicly Accessible
- Redshift - Redshift Unused Reserved Nodes
- Redshift - Redshift User Activity Logging Enabled
- Redshift - Underutilized Redshift Cluster Check
- Route53 - Domain Auto Renew
- Route53 - Domain Expiry
- Route53 - Domain Privacy Protection
- Route53 - Domain Transfer Lock
- Route53 - Route53 Dangling DNS Records
- Route53 - Sender Policy Framework In Use
- Route53 - Sender Privacy Framework Record Present
- S3 - CloudTrail Bucket Access Logging
- S3 - CloudTrail Bucket Delete Policy
- S3 - CloudTrail Bucket Private
- S3 - S3 Bucket All Users ACL
- S3 - S3 Bucket All Users Policy
- S3 - S3 Bucket Encryption
- S3 - S3 Bucket Encryption Enforcement
- S3 - S3 Bucket Encryption In Transit
- S3 - S3 Bucket Enforce Object Encryption
- S3 - S3 Bucket Has Tags
- S3 - S3 Bucket Lifecycle Configuration
- S3 - S3 Bucket Logging
- S3 - S3 Bucket MFA Delete Status
- S3 - S3 Bucket Policy CloudFront OAC
- S3 - S3 Bucket Policy CloudFront OAI
- S3 - S3 Bucket Public Access Block
- S3 - S3 Bucket Versioning
- S3 - S3 Bucket Website Enabled
- S3 - S3 DNS Compliant Bucket Names
- S3 - S3 Object Read Logging
- S3 - S3 Object Write Logging
- S3 - S3 Secure Transport Enabled
- S3 - S3 Transfer Acceleration Enabled
- S3 - S3 Versioned Buckets Lifecycle Configuration
- SES - Email DKIM Enabled
- SES - SES Email Messages Encrypted
- SNS - SNS Cross Account Access
- SNS - SNS Subscription HTTPS Only
- SNS - SNS Topic CMK Encryption
- SNS - SNS Topic Encrypted
- SNS - SNS Topic HTTP Protocol Restriction
- SNS - SNS Topic Has Tags
- SNS - SNS Topic Policies
- SNS - SNS Valid Subscribers
- SQS - SQS Cross Account Access
- SQS - SQS Dead Letter Queue
- SQS - SQS Encrypted
- SQS - SQS Encryption Enabled
- SQS - SQS Public Access
- SQS - SQS Queue Unprocessed Messages
- SSM - SSM Documents Public Access
- SSM - SSM Encrypted Parameters
- SageMaker - Notebook Data Encrypted
- SageMaker - Notebook Direct Internet Access
- SageMaker - Notebook instance in VPC
- Secrets Manager - Secret Has Tags
- Secrets Manager - Secrets Manager Encrypted Secrets
- Secrets Manager - Secrets Manager In Use
- Secrets Manager - Secrets Manager Secret Rotation Enabled
- SecurityHub - Security Hub Enabled
- Shield - Shield Advanced Enabled
- Shield - Shield Emergency Contacts
- Shield - Shield Protections
- Timestream - Timestream Database Encrypted
- Transfer - PrivateLink in Use for Transfer for SFTP Server Endpoints
- Transfer - Transfer Logging Enabled
- Translate - Translate Job Output Encrypted
- WAF - AWS WAF In Use
- WAF - AWS WAFV2 Cloudwatch Metrics Enabled
- WAF - AWS WAFV2 In Use
- WAF - Web ACL Rules Default Action
- WorkSpaces - Unused WorkSpaces
- WorkSpaces - WorkSpaces Desired Bundle Type
- WorkSpaces - WorkSpaces Instance Count
- WorkSpaces - WorkSpaces Volume Encryption
- Workspaces - Workspaces IP Access Control
- XRay - XRay Encryption Enabled