Cloud Scanning for Google Cloud verifies security best practices and security misconfigurations that contribute to the most common causes of security breaches within a vast list of services.
Cost-saving plugins
There is a set of plugins highlighting unused or misused services that could help save monthly Google Cloud costs. Read more about these plugins in this article:
Supported services
Here's the list of services that we currently support:
- BigQuery
- BigTable
- Cloud Composer
- Cloud Functions
- CloudBuild
- Compute
- Cryptographic Keys
- Dataflow
- Dataproc
- Deployment Manager
- Kubernetes
- Logging
- Pub/Sub
- Resource Manager
- Security
- Service Usage
- Spanner
- Storage
- VPC Network
Supported policies
Across the services, the following policies are scanned for:
- API - API Key API Restriction
- API - API Key Active Services Only
- API - API Key Application Restriction
- API - API Key Rotation
- API - Project API Keys
- BigQuery - Dataset All Users Policy
- BigQuery - Dataset Labels Added
- BigQuery - Datasets CMK Encrypted
- BigQuery - Tables CMK Encrypted
- BigTable - BigTable Instance Labels Added
- CLB - CLB CDN Enabled
- CLB - CLB Logging Enabled
- CLB - CLB No Instances
- CLB - Security Policy Enabled
- Cloud Composer - Airflow Web Server Public Access
- Cloud Composer - Environment Default Service Account
- Cloud Composer - Environment Encryption
- Cloud Composer - Environment Labels Added
- Cloud Functions - Cloud Function All Users Policy
- Cloud Functions - Cloud Function Labels Added
- Cloud Functions - Cloud Function Serverless VPC Access
- Cloud Functions - HTTP Trigger require HTTPS
- Cloud Functions - Ingress All Traffic Disabled
- CloudBuild - Comment Control Enabled
- CloudBuild - Specific Source Branch
- CloudBuild - Trigger Has Tags
- CloudBuild - User Approval Enabled
- Compute - Application Consistent Snapshots
- Compute - Autoscale Enabled
- Compute - Autoscale Minimum CPU Utilization Target
- Compute - CSEK Encryption Enabled
- Compute - Confidential Computing Enabled
- Compute - Connect Serial Ports Disabled
- Compute - Deprecated Images
- Compute - Disk Automatic Backup Enabled
- Compute - Disk In Use
- Compute - Disk Labels Added
- Compute - Disk MultiAz
- Compute - Disk Old Snapshots
- Compute - Enable Usage Export
- Compute - Frequently Used Snapshots
- Compute - IP Forwarding Disabled
- Compute - Image Labels Added
- Compute - Images CMK Encrypted
- Compute - Instance Automatic Restart Enabled
- Compute - Instance Default Service Account
- Compute - Instance Desired Machine Type
- Compute - Instance Group Auto Healing Enabled
- Compute - Instance Labels Added
- Compute - Instance Level SSH Only
- Compute - Instance Maintenance Behavior
- Compute - Instance Preemptibility Disabled
- Compute - Instance Public Access Disabled
- Compute - Instance Template Machine Type
- Compute - Instances Multi AZ
- Compute - OS Login 2FA Enabled
- Compute - OS Login Enabled
- Compute - Persistent Disks Auto Delete
- Compute - Public Disk Images
- Compute - Shielded VM Enabled
- Compute - Snapshot Encryption
- Compute - Snapshot Labels Added
- Compute - VM Disks CMK Encryption
- Compute - VM Instance Deletion Protection
- Compute - VM Instances Least Privilege
- Compute - VM Max Instances
- Cryptographic Keys - KMS Public Access
- Cryptographic Keys - Key Protection Level
- Cryptographic Keys - Key Rotation
- DNS - DNS Security Enabled
- DNS - DNS Security Signing Algorithm
- DNS - DNS Zone Labels Added
- Dataflow - Dataflow Hanged Jobs
- Dataflow - Dataflow Jobs Encryption
- Dataproc - Dataproc Cluster Encryption
- Dataproc - Dataproc Cluster Labels Added
- Dataproc - Hadoop Secure Mode Enabled
- Deployment Manager - Delete Expired Deployments
- IAM - BigQuery Admin
- IAM - Bigtable Admin
- IAM - Corporate Emails Only
- IAM - KMS User Separation
- IAM - Member Admin
- IAM - Pub/Sub Admin
- IAM - Service Account Admin
- IAM - Service Account Key Rotation
- IAM - Service Account Managed Keys
- IAM - Service Account Role
- IAM - Service Account Separation
- IAM - Service Account Token Creator
- IAM - Service Account User
- IAM - Service Limits
- Kubernetes - Alias IP Ranges Enabled
- Kubernetes - Automatic Node Repair Enabled
- Kubernetes - Automatic Node Upgrades Enabled
- Kubernetes - Basic Authentication Disabled
- Kubernetes - Binary Authorization Enabled
- Kubernetes - COS Image Enabled
- Kubernetes - Client Certificate Disabled
- Kubernetes - Cluster Encryption Enabled
- Kubernetes - Cluster Labels Added
- Kubernetes - Cluster Least Privilege
- Kubernetes - Default Service Account
- Kubernetes - Integrity Monitoring Enabled
- Kubernetes - Kubernetes Alpha Disabled
- Kubernetes - Legacy Authorization Disabled
- Kubernetes - Logging Enabled
- Kubernetes - Master Authorized Network
- Kubernetes - Monitoring Enabled
- Kubernetes - Network Policy Enabled
- Kubernetes - Node Encryption Enabled
- Kubernetes - Pod Security Policy Enabled
- Kubernetes - Private Cluster Enabled
- Kubernetes - Private Endpoint
- Kubernetes - Secure Boot Enabled
- Kubernetes - Shielded Nodes
- Kubernetes - Web Dashboard Disabled
- Logging - Audit Configuration Logging
- Logging - Audit Logging Enabled
- Logging - Custom Role Logging
- Logging - Log Sinks Enabled
- Logging - Project Ownership Logging
- Logging - SQL Configuration Logging
- Logging - Storage Permissions Logging
- Logging - VPC Firewall Rule Logging
- Logging - VPC Network Logging
- Logging - VPC Network Route Logging
- Pub/Sub - Dead Lettering Enabled
- Pub/Sub - Topic All Users Policy
- Pub/Sub - Topic Encryption Enabled
- Pub/Sub - Topic Labels Added
- Resource Manager - Compute Allowed External IPs
- Resource Manager - Detailed Audit Logging Mode
- Resource Manager - Disable Automatic IAM Grants
- Resource Manager - Disable Default Encryption Creation
- Resource Manager - Disable Guest Attributes
- Resource Manager - Disable Serial Port Access
- Resource Manager - Disable Service Account Creation
- Resource Manager - Disable Service Account Key Creation
- Resource Manager - Disable Service Account Key Upload
- Resource Manager - Disable VM IP Forwarding
- Resource Manager - Disable Workload Identity Cluster Creation
- Resource Manager - Enforce Require OS Login
- Resource Manager - Enforce Restrict Authorized Networks
- Resource Manager - Enforce Uniform Bucket-Level Access
- Resource Manager - Essential Contacts Configured
- Resource Manager - Location-Based Service Restriction
- Resource Manager - Restrict Load Balancer Creation
- Resource Manager - Restrict Shared VPC Subnetworks
- Resource Manager - Restrict VPC Peering
- Resource Manager - Restrict VPN Peer IPs
- Resource Manager - Skip Default Network Creation
- Resource Manager - Trusted Image Projects
- SQL - Any Host Root Access
- SQL - DB Automated Backups
- SQL - DB Multiple AZ
- SQL - DB Publicly Accessible
- SQL - DB Restorable
- SQL - Database SSL Enabled
- SQL - MySQL Latest Version
- SQL - MySQL Local Infile Disabled
- SQL - MySQL Skip Show Database Enabled
- SQL - MySQL Slow Query Log Enabled
- SQL - PostgreSQL Latest Version
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Checkpoints Enabled
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Connections Flag Enabled
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Disconnections Flag Enabled
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Error Verbosity
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Hostname Flag Enabled
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Lock Waits Flag Enabled
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Min Duration Statement
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Min Error Statement
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Min Messages
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Statement
- SQL - PostgreSQL Log Temp Files
- SQL - PostgreSQL Max Connections
- SQL - PostgreSQL Pg Audit Flag Enabled
- SQL - SQL CMK Encryption
- SQL - SQL Contained Database Authentication
- SQL - SQL Cross DB Ownership Chaining
- SQL - SQL Instance Labels Added
- SQL - SQL No Public IPs
- SQL - SQL Server Contained Database Authentication Flag Disabled
- SQL - SQL Server External Scripts Flag Disabled
- SQL - SQL Server Remote Access Flag Disabled
- SQL - SQL Server Trace Flag Disabled
- SQL - SQL Server User Connections Flag
- SQL - SQL Server User Options Flag Disabled
- SQL - SSL Certificate Rotation
- SQL - Storage Auto Increase Enabled
- Security - Access Approval Enabled
- Service Usage - Asset Inventory Enabled
- Spanner - Spanner Instance Node Count
- Storage - Bucket Encryption
- Storage - Bucket Labels Added
- Storage - Bucket Lifecycle Configured
- Storage - Bucket Logging
- Storage - Bucket Uniform Level Access
- Storage - Bucket Versioning
- Storage - Storage Bucket All Users Policy
- Storage - Storage Bucket Retention Policy
- VPC Network - Default VPC Exists
- VPC Network - Default VPC In Use
- VPC Network - Excessive Firewall Rules
- VPC Network - Firewall Logging Metadata
- VPC Network - Flow Logs Enabled
- VPC Network - Instance Default Network
- VPC Network - Legacy Network Exists
- VPC Network - Multiple Subnets
- VPC Network - Open All Ports
- VPC Network - Open CIFS
- VPC Network - Open Cassandra
- VPC Network - Open Cassandra Client
- VPC Network - Open Cassandra Internode
- VPC Network - Open Cassandra Monitoring
- VPC Network - Open Cassandra Thrift
- VPC Network - Open Custom Ports
- VPC Network - Open DNS
- VPC Network - Open Docker
- VPC Network - Open Elasticsearch
- VPC Network - Open FTP
- VPC Network - Open HTTP
- VPC Network - Open Hadoop HDFS NameNode Metadata Service
- VPC Network - Open Hadoop HDFS NameNode WebUI
- VPC Network - Open Internal web
- VPC Network - Open Kibana
- VPC Network - Open LDAP
- VPC Network - Open LDAPS
- VPC Network - Open MSSQL
- VPC Network - Open Memcached
- VPC Network - Open MongoDB
- VPC Network - Open MySQL
- VPC Network - Open NetBIOS
- VPC Network - Open Oracle
- VPC Network - Open Oracle Auto Data Warehouse
- VPC Network - Open PostgreSQL
- VPC Network - Open RDP
- VPC Network - Open RPC
- VPC Network - Open Redis
- VPC Network - Open SMBoTCP
- VPC Network - Open SMTP
- VPC Network - Open SNMP
- VPC Network - Open SQLServer
- VPC Network - Open SSH
- VPC Network - Open Salt
- VPC Network - Open Telnet
- VPC Network - Open VNC Client
- VPC Network - Open VNC Server
- VPC Network - Private Access Enabled
- VPC Network - VPC DNS Logging Enabled