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What is a tag, and how does it work?
Tags group assets, e.g., database servers or sensitive systems. An asset can have any number of tags. Examples of what tags can be used for are:
- Type of Software
- Physical location
- Several hosts belonging to the same system
- Network definition
- Access
Static tags
A static tag is a tag you manually apply to one or more assets. This type of tag only applies to the specific asset.
Dynamic tags (Tags with rules)
IPv4 and/or IPv6
Select this option if you want the rule to match IP addresses within an IP range. The tag will be applied to any asset within the IP range. For example, network will match all active assets from
Open ports
Select this option if you want the rule to match open ports. The tag will be applied to any asset within the given open ports. For example, port 80 will match assets with port 80 open.
Operating system
Select this option if you want the rule to match the asset Operating System (OS). The tag will be applied to any asset within the given OS. For example, OS Windows will match assets with OS Windows.
Asset name contain(s)
Use this option if you want the tag applied to hosts with a matching string based on their name.
Asset type
Select this option if you want the tag applied to a specific type of asset, such as a Device, Network asset, Web application, or Recipient.
Is internet facing
Select this option if you want the tag applied to an internet-facing asset.
Read more about what internet-facing assets are here.
Is a server
Select this option if you want the tag applied to a Server.
Select this option if you want the tag applied to an Email address.
Business impact and tags
You can set business impact for each tag. If an asset has multiple tags, the tag with the highest business impact will be applied. If a business impact is set on the asset, that business impact will be the actual one for that asset regardless of the business impact set on the tag.
Organize assets with tags
For additional details on how tags can effectively organize assets, please refer to this link: https://support.holmsecurity.com/knowledge/how-do-i-organize-my-assets