Scan profiles

What scan profiles are available?

The following ready-made- scan profiles are available via the import function in the Scan Network section. 

Import a scan profile

To import the scan profiles below, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Security Center.
  2. Click on Scan Network.
  3. Click on Scan Profiles.
  4. Click on Import and checkmark the profile you wish to import.
  5. Click Import selected.
  6. Done!

Overview of ready-made scan profiles

Network scan profile - full

Scan all the UDP and TCP ports. This profile should be used to scan only a limited number of IPs simultaneously.

Network scan profile - fast

Scans the most important ports in the least amount of time possible. 

Network scan profile - Standard

Scan the most commonly used TCP ports. This profile gives you a great balance between coverage, time consumption and load on the target environment.

Network scan profile - Precision

The precision profile focuses on providing the most accurate information possible, minimizing vulnerabilities that need to be manually verified. 

Network scan profile - Extended

A profile that has an extra focus on detecting unusual products & services.

Network scan profile - Sensitive

As the name implies, this profile is used in environments that could be sensitive and where you can't take any risks of having a negative impact from the scan.

Network scan profile - Intense

Recommended for very large networks for faster port identification. Requires additional resources for the selected scanner appliance to perform at the intended speeds. 

Network scan profile - Aggressive

Performs active break-in attempts and potentially dangerous tests that could harm a non-hardened environment. Generally, a public environment should be able to cope with this.

Network scan profile - Scale

It is used when scanning large networks covering the most important TCP and UDP ports. To be as fast as possible, it operates at a higher scan intensity.

PCI DSS Compliance

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) scan profile for ASV scanning.

Network scan profile - SCADA-OT

Scan OT/SCADA environments in a safe way with minimal impact on the target assets.

Network scan profile - Ransomware & exploits

Scans to detect ransomware and exploits present in your network environments.

Discovery scan profile

Identifies active hosts on the network.

Discovery scan profile (Extended)

It identifies active hosts on the network and captures each device's fingerprint, providing important details about the host, such as hostnames and operating systems.