Oracle Cloud

Where do I find my Oracle credentials?

These are the credentials you need to use for Scanning the Oracle cloud environment:

  • Tenancy OCID
  • Compartment ID
  • User ID
  • Key Fingerprint
  • Key Value
  • Region 

Steps to get Tenancy OCID 

  1. Log into your Oracle Cloud console and navigate to Administration > Tenancy Details.
  2. Tenancy OCID is displayed

Steps to get compartment ID 

  1. Navigate to Identity > Compartments.
  2. Copy the OCID of the compartment you want to scan.

Steps to get user ID 

  1. Navigate to Identity > Domains.
  2. Select the domain you want to create the user in.
  3. Click on users.
  4. Click Create user. Enter the following details in the Create user form. Make sure you uncheck Use the email address as the username.
    1. First Name: holm-cloud-scan
    2. Last Name: holm-cloud-scan
    3. Username: holm-cloud-scan
    4. Email: Enter the desired email.

5. Copy the user OCID.

Steps to get Key Fingerprint 

  1. Navigate to Identity > Domains > < Desired Domain > > Users > holm-cloud-scan
  2. Select API Keys from the Resources section.
  3. Click Add API Key.
  4. Select Generate API Key Pair.
  5. Download the Private Key.
  6. Once the key is downloaded, click Add.

  7. Once the key is created, you can see the key fingerprint. Copy the key fingerprint. 

Steps to get Key Value 

  1. Open the private key downloaded in the previous step in a text editor.
  2. The private key is a multi-line string. The scanner requires a single-line private key.
  3. Replace all new lines with \n character to convert the multiline key to a single line key.
  4. Use the single-line key as a key value. 

Steps to get region 

  1. The region should be the home region where the cloud account was initially setup.
  2. You can find the home region by hovering on the top navigation bar.


Important permission required by the cloud scanner.

Create a security group

  1. Navigate to Identity > < Desired Domain > > Groups.
  2. Click on Create Group.
  3. Enter "SecurityAudit" in the Name field, then enter "Holm Security Cloud Scan Audit Access"
    in the description.
  4. Click on Submit.  

Add holm-cloud-scan user into security group 

  1. Click on the SecurityAudit group in the Groups List and Add the holm-cloud-scan User to
    the group.
  2. 2. Navigate to Identity> Policies.
  3. Click on Create Policy.
  4. Enter "SecurityAudit" in the Name field, then enter "Holm Security Audit Policy" in the
  5.  Switch to Manual Editor and add the following statement: ALLOW GROUP SecurityAudit to
    READ all-resources in tenancy.
  6. Click on Create.
  7. Done!