Scan Issues

Why did my external (cloud) scan end up in an error?

External scans are executed on shared scan nodes across many Security Center accounts. Holm Security manages these scanners to ensure they are operational and optimally balanced to run scans without issues. 

In rare cases, a scan can end up in an error state due to an internal issue with that particular scanner. It can be due to circumstances like a temporary overload or an infrastructure resource constraint. 

Typically, you can check the status page to see if any current issues could affect scans with this behavior.

If the problem occurs when you are trying to scan locally, the scanner appliance has likely encountered some problem. If this happens, manually reboot the Scanner Appliance from your virtualization environment. As the scanner might have become stuck while performing a task. 

These scenarios should always be edge cases and temporary. If you experience this repeatedly, contact our support to escalate the issue further.