Product News

2024-04-24: Major release - New Dashboard

Video: Demonstration of the new dashboard.

New dashboard with improved risk insights 

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our newly revamped dashboard in Security Center! Considering your feedback and cyber security needs, we've redesigned the dashboard to give you unprecedented control over how you monitor, analyze, and act on your cyber security data. 

Multi-dashboard functionality 

You can navigate with ease through multiple dashboards, each customizable as a separate tab. This allows you to segment your cyber security monitoring by having focused dashboards adapted to what aligns best with your organizational structure. 

How to create a new dashboard?

Customization to your needs 

Tailor your dashboard to reflect what's most important to you. Add and position widgets to create a unique view of your cyber security posture. Choose from various chart types, including bar and line charts, to visualize your metric data in the way that makes the most sense to you. This level of customization extends to each widget, so whether you prefer an overview or a deep dive, your dashboard is now as versatile as your needs. 

Widgets and metrics 

Choose from various chart types, including bar and line charts, to visualize your metric data in the way that makes the most sense to you. This level of customization extends to each widget, ensuring that the information you need is presented in the way you find most intuitive. 

What widgets are available on the dashboard?

We like your feedback

We welcome your feedback on our new dashboard and are open to suggestions for specific widgets. 
Feel free to contact us using the form on our support pages and selecting "other" as the inquiry type.

New & refreshed widgets 

Each widget offers insight into different areas of our risk and threat data, transforming it into actionable intelligence for enhanced decision-making and strategic security planning. Together, they provide a comprehensive view of your vulnerabilities, risks, and assets, ensuring you can review, track, and take action confidently. 

How to add a new widget?

The following widgets are available from the start. We are also working on several new widgets that will be released later on:  

  • Account Risk Score 
    Visualize the overall risk level across all asset types in your account, enabling you to prioritize and strategize effectively. 
  • OWASP Top 10 
    Keep abreast of the OWASP top 10 web application security risks affecting your systems and how they impact your overall security stance. 
  • News Feed 
    Stay informed with the latest cybersecurity news and threats, ensuring you're always ahead in your security measures. 
  • Detected vs. Fixed 
    Monitor your progress in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, highlighting your threat response velocity. 
  • Mean Time to Remediate 
    Track the average time it takes from detecting a threat to resolving it, which can help you gauge and improve your response efficiency. 
  • Vulnerability by Severity 
    Break down your vulnerabilities by severity levels, giving you a clear picture of where your most critical risks lie. 
  • Asset Inventory 
    Get an overview of your asset types and quantities, providing a comprehensive view on your asset inventory. 
  • Recipients by Severity
    Evaluate the risk severity among your phishing recipients, aiding in refining your security awareness training. 

Availability of historical data  

Together with the release of the new dashboard, we are also collecting new data points, which are being aggregated to provide historical trends and data points.  

Some widgets will already have populated data points, while others will start to be collected now and built up over time. 

What data is available historically for each widget?

Get started with the new dashboard

The new dashboard will be introduced in stages. To gain early access to the new dashboard, simply contact our Support team by filling out the form on our support page and selecting "Other" as the inquiry type. To get started, visit:


Empty browser cache if you experience problems

If your dashboard does not load properly after this release, you must clear your browser's site data. To do so, follow the steps in this article: