Cloud Security

How do I get started assessing my cloud-native platforms?

Please follow these guidelines to set up assessments for your cloud-native platforms using CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management).

Different ways to assess your cloud-native platforms

Please notice that there are multiple ways to assess your cloud platforms:

  1. Using the product Cloud Scanning (CSPM), as described in this article.
  2. Using external (cloud) scanners using the product System & Network Security. This is traditional network scanning.
  3. Using the product System & Network Security with one or more locally installed Scanner Appliances in Azure or AWS. 

1. Create a scan profile

To connect Holm Security VMP to the cloud tenant, you need to create a valid assessment profile. This article will provide you with the correct instructions:

2. Create an assessment

To start an assessment based on the profile, please read this article: