Device Agent

How do I get started with the Device Agent?

The Device Agent is a lightweight agent for devices used in computers, laptops and desktops, as well as servers. The agent detects vulnerability and is used for asset tracking.

1. Understand the requirements and limitations

Before you begin, it is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements and limitations of the Device Agent.

2. Rollout planning and best practices

When planning your rollout across many targets, it is important to allocate a few minutes for careful planning. Holm Security provides a quick recommendation and best practice to consider for this step.

3. Configure the Security Center

Before deploying the Device Agent on a large scale, it is crucial to follow the steps in the Security Center to ensure proper configuration.

Here, we also describe how the token works: 

4. Deployment

Using several different products, you can deploy and distribute the MSI across a large environment. Here, we list the procedures based on the most common variants.