Product News

2024-06-04: Next generation of Tags with Teams & Asset Permissions 

We are excited to announce a major upgrade to tags, teams, and permissions. The new features allow you to set up user groups (teams) and assign them more granular permissions based on tags.  

Powerful New Feature Opportunities 

These new features allow for several powerful new use cases, such as: 

  • Create teams based on a group of users. 
  • Set more granular permission for users and groups of users (teams).  
  • Create permission sets that can be assigned to users and teams. 
  • Assign permissions to users and teams based on asset tags (a group of assets). 

New Generation of Unified Tags 

The new generation of tags has been designed to work with all your assets regardless of type. These new unified tags will improve the overall asset management and coverage to help you decrease the overall risk. Here are the following key enhancements: 

  • Extended Matching Rules 
    Utilize a broader range of rules for precise asset matching. 
  • Advanced Logic 
    Implement AND logic between multiple rules for more sophisticated matching criteria. 
  • Comprehensive Tag Overview 
    Easily see the impact of each tag with a detailed overview of affected assets. 
  • Business Impact Inheritance 
    Automatically inherit the Business Impact property on assets from their tags, enhancing your asset structure. 

Navigate within the new release and learn more.
These articles provide important information and in-depth guidance on how to get started with tags.

New Teams for Your Users 

Enhance the organization of your users within our platform with the new teams' feature. Teams allow you to assign roles and delegate permissions to various users effortlessly, streamlining your workflow and improving overall efficiency. Here are the key enhancements: 

  • Team Structuring 
    Organize your users into distinct teams within the product. 
  • Roles & Permissions 
    Assign specific roles and permissions to each team, controlling your users' access to different parts of Security Center. 
  • Multiple Teams 
    Set up multiple teams for your users, aligning the Security Center closer to your organizational responsibilities.  

How do I set up teams?
How to assign permissions using Teams

Extended Asset Permissions Using Tags & Teams  

With extended asset permissions, you can apply granular asset permissions for your users, using the new teams in combination with the new generation of tags.
Each team can get access to their own assets in the Security Center, making it easier to segment permissions for assets, delegate responsibilities, and have functional responsibilities in your vulnerability management process. Here follows a set of key elements:  

  • Targeted Asset Management 
    Users can now view and manage a subset of assets assigned to their team. 
  • Tags and Permissions 
    Assign specific tags to a team along with permissions, giving users access to assets with the applied tags. 
  • Divided Permissions 
    Efficiently divide and control asset permissions across your user base. 

How do I use Tags for Asset permissions with Teams? 

Current limitations 

Continuous Monitoring and remediation have limited support for the new tags and certain asset types. This will be handled in upcoming releases and the platform's revamped versions of these two areas. 


What's coming up next? 

  • Additional improvements to tags in upcoming releases will make it easier to see their metadata in various places in the Security Center.  
  • Teams will be an integral part of the new remediation, helping you to delegate action items via tickets to your different teams.  
  • The new versions of Continuous Monitoring and Remediation will receive brand-new tag support, enabling flexible trigger rules and filtering options. 

The road ahead for unification
If you are interested in learning more about the roadmap for unification, you can see all the upcoming initiatives here: